Chemicals with Transgenerational Effects on Disease or Function

No. Chemical Name GO Biological Process Effect Specific BP GO Species Description PMID
46ADP-riboseembryo developmentrelatedembryo developmentGO:0009790Mus musculusSignificantly changed metabolites in the two-cell-like cell (2CLC) compared with ES cells (ESCs) samples (Metabolomics data: liquid chromatography34428399
47ADP-riboseembryo developmentrelatedembryo developmentGO:0009790Mus musculusHigher in the blastocyst-stage embryos compared with two-cell embryos (Metabolomics data: liquid chromatography34650276
48AICARembryo developmentrelatedembryo developmentGO:0009790Mus musculusSignificantly changed metabolites in the two-cell-like cell (2CLC) compared with ES cells (ESCs) samples (Metabolomics data: liquid chromatography34428399
49Air Pollutantsembryo developmentdecreaseneural tube developmentGO:0021915Homo sapiensCoal results in increased abundance of Smoke which results in increased abundance of Air Pollutants which results in decreased neural tube development]24307569
50Alanineembryo developmentrelatedembryo developmentGO:0009790Mus musculusMetabolite dynamics during mouse embryo development (Zygote, 2-cell, 4-cell, 8-cell, Morula, Blastocyst) (Metabolomics data: ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UHPLC36167681
51Alanineembryo developmentrelateembryo developmentGO:0009790Homo sapiensThe IVF culture media biomarker chemical shifts in 1H NMR spectrum. (Noninvasive metabolomic profiling of embryo culture media using proton nuclear magnetic resonance correlates with reproductive potential of embryos in women undergoing in vitro fertilization).18842260
52All- trans retinoic acid (ATRA) embryo developmentincreaseembryo developmentGO:0009790Mus musculusincrease the number of cardiomyocytes during mouse ES cell differentiation 17979183?
53All- trans retinoic acid (ATRA) embryo developmentdecreaseembryo developmentGO:0009790Homo sapiensUsing human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived embryoid bodies (EB) as an in vitro model to investigate the embryotoxic effects of a carefully selected set of pharmacological compounds. The results showed that the compounds differentially repressed cell growth, compromised morphology, and triggered apoptosis in the EBs.34742744
54Allura Red AC Dyeembryo developmentdecreaseembryonic morphogenesisGO:0048598Mus musculusAllura Red AC Dye results in decreased embryonic morphogenesis28927898
55Alpha lipoic Acidembryo developmentincreaseembryo developmentGO:0009790Mus musculusthe antioxidant combination Acetyl-L-Carnitine, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine and 29136144, 27165621
56Alpha-aminoisobuturic acidembryo developmentnotembryo developmentGO:0009790Mus musculusAlpha-aminoisobuturic acid, which displays saturation kinetics, was harmless to the blastocysts even at a high concentration.525368
57Alpha-cyano-4-hydroxy cinnamate (4-CIN)embryo developmentdecreaseblastocyst growthGO:0001832Mus musculusDuring maturation of cumulus-oocyte-complexes (COCs) with pyruvate, electron transport inhibitor, rotenone or monocarboxylate transfer inhibitor, 4-CIN significantly decreased blastocyst rates. 26857840
58Alpha-Galactoseembryo developmentrelatedembryo developmentGO:0009790Mus musculusMetabolite dynamics during mouse embryo development (Zygote, 2-cell, 4-cell, 8-cell, Morula, Blastocyst) (Metabolomics data: ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UHPLC36167681
59Alpha-Glucoseembryo developmentrelateembryo developmentGO:0009790Homo sapiensThe IVF culture media biomarker chemical shifts in 1H NMR spectrum. (Noninvasive metabolomic profiling of embryo culture media using proton nuclear magnetic resonance correlates with reproductive potential of embryos in women undergoing in vitro fertilization).18842260
60Alpha-ketoglutarateembryo developmentaffectchanges to DNA methylation involved in embryo developmentGO:1901538Mus musculus A decrease of L-2-HG facilitates global erasure of histone methylation during early embryo development. 34650276

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Copyright © Haifeng Chen Lab, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.