Chemicals with Transgenerational Effects on Disease or Function

No. Chemical Name GO Biological Process Effect Specific BP GO Species Description PMID
76AMPembryo developmentrelatedembryo developmentGO:0009790Mus musculusHigher in the blastocyst-stage embryos compared with two-cell embryos (Metabolomics data: liquid chromatography34650276
77Aphidicolinembryo developmentdecreaseembryonic morphogenesisGO:0048598Mus musculusAphidicolin results in decreased embryonic morphogenesis29990529
78Arachidonoylglycerolembryo developmentrelatedembryo developmentGO:0009790Mus musculusMetabolite dynamics during mouse embryo development (Zygote, 2-cell, 4-cell, 8-cell, Morula, Blastocyst) (Metabolomics data: ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UHPLC36167681
79Arginineembryo developmentrelatedembryo developmentGO:0009790Mus musculusMetabolite dynamics during mouse embryo development (Zygote, 2-cell, 4-cell, 8-cell, Morula, Blastocyst) (Metabolomics data: ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UHPLC36167681
80Arginineembryo developmentaffectchorionic trophoblast cell proliferationGO:0097360Mus musculusArginine is necessary and sufficient for trophoblast outgrowth.22056783, 36430764, 442281
81Arginineembryo developmentaffectembryo developmentGO:0009790Mus musculusArginine regulate trophoblast motility through mTOR-dependent and independent pathways in the preimplantation mouse embryo.22056783, 442281
82Arginineembryo developmentaffectembryo developmentGO:0009790Mus musculusArginine was needed for outgrowth of the mouse blastocyst in vitro.7799310, Gwatkin, R. B. L. (1966). Amino acid requirements for attachment and outgrowth of the mouse blastocyst in vitro.?Journal of Cellular Physiology,?68(3), 335-343.
83Arsenicembryo developmentaffectDNA methylation involved in embryo developmentGO:0043045Homo sapiensArsenic affects DNA methylation involved in embryo development24525453
84Aspartateembryo developmentrelatedembryo developmentGO:0009790Mus musculusMetabolite dynamics during mouse embryo development (Zygote, 2-cell, 4-cell, 8-cell, Morula, Blastocyst) (Metabolomics data: ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UHPLC36167681
85Aspartateembryo developmentaffectembryo developmentGO:0009790Mus musculusAspartate appeared to be the key amino acids sought by embryos and embryos grown in amino-acid-containing media appeared morphologically normal and their volume increased compared with embryos cultured in the absence of amino acids.7799310
86Atrazineembryo developmentdecreaseectodermal cell fate commitmentGO:0001712Homo sapiensAtrazine results in decreased ectodermal cell fate commitment34146662
87Beta-alanineembryo developmentaffectembryo developmentGO:0009790Mus musculusBeta-alanine but not taurine can function as an organic osmolyte in preimplantation mouse embryos cultured from fertilized eggs12950102
88Beta-Glucoseembryo developmentrelateembryo developmentGO:0009790Homo sapiensThe IVF culture media biomarker chemical shifts in 1H NMR spectrum. (Noninvasive metabolomic profiling of embryo culture media using proton nuclear magnetic resonance correlates with reproductive potential of embryos in women undergoing in vitro fertilization).18842260
89Betaineembryo developmentrelatedembryo developmentGO:0009790Mus musculusHigher in the blastocyst-stage embryos compared with two-cell embryos (Metabolomics data: liquid chromatography34650276
90Betaineembryo developmentaffectembryo developmentGO:0009790Mus musculusbetaine can effectively rescue development of embryos harmed by ethanol, and possibly by restoring global level of genome DNA methylation in blastocysts.29379082

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Copyright © Haifeng Chen Lab, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.