Proteins with Transgenerational Effects on Disease or Function

No. Entry Entry Name Protein Names Gene Names Organism GO Biological Process Structure PDB ID for Docking Interaction Molecules
121Q99MV5M10L1_MOUSERNA helicase Mov10l1 (EC (Cardiac helicase activated by MEF2 protein) (Cardiac-specific RNA helicase) (Moloney leukemia virus 10-like protein 1 homolog) (MOV10-like protein 1 homolog)Mov10l1 ChampMus musculus (Mouse)Male gamete generationQ99MV5Gallic Acid
122Q09200B4GN1_MOUSEBeta-1,4 N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1 (EC ((N-acetylneuraminyl)-galactosylglucosylceramide) (GM2/GD2 synthase) (GalNAc-T)B4galnt1 Galgt Galgt1 Ggm2Mus musculus (Mouse)Male gamete generationQ09200Gallic Acid
123Q9JI70MKKS_MOUSEMolecular chaperone MKKS (McKusick-Kaufman/Bardet-Biedl syndromes putative chaperonin) (Protein Bbs6 homolog)Mkks Bbs6Mus musculus (Mouse)Male gamete generationQ9JI70Gallic Acid
124O54918B2L11_MOUSEBcl-2-like protein 11 (Bcl2-L-11) (Bcl2-interacting mediator of cell death)Bcl2l11 BimMus musculus (Mouse)Male gamete generation; Embryo development1PQ1Gallic Acid
125P70296PEBP1_MOUSEPhosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 1 (PEBP-1) (HCNPpp) [Cleaved into: Hippocampal cholinergic neurostimulating peptide (HCNP)]Pebp1 Pbp PebpMus musculus (Mouse)Male gamete generation6ENSGallic Acid
126Q7M753PANK2_MOUSEPantothenate kinase 2, mitochondrial (hPanK2) (EC (Pantothenic acid kinase 2)Pank2Mus musculus (Mouse)Male gamete generationQ7M753Gallic Acid
127P05132KAPCA_MOUSEcAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha (PKA C-alpha) (EC PkacaMus musculus (Mouse)Male gamete generation; Embryo development7V0GGallic Acid
128Q64374RGN_MOUSERegucalcin (RC) (Gluconolactonase) (GNL) (EC (Senescence marker protein 30) (SMP-30)Rgn Smp30Mus musculus (Mouse)Male gamete generation4GN8Gallic Acid
129P38060HMGCL_MOUSEHydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA lyase, mitochondrial (HL) (HMG-CoA lyase) (EC (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutarate-CoA lyase)HmgclMus musculus (Mouse)embryo developmentP38060octanoic acid
130Q61539ERR2_MOUSESteroid hormone receptor ERR2 (Estrogen receptor-like 2) (Estrogen-related receptor beta) (ERR-beta) (Nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group B member 2)Esrrb Err-2 Err2 Nr3b2Mus musculus (Mouse)embryo developmentQ61539octanoic acid
131Q9EQK7ICMT_MOUSEProtein-S-isoprenylcysteine O-methyltransferase (EC (Isoprenylcysteine carboxylmethyltransferase) (Prenylated protein carboxyl methyltransferase) (PPMT) (Prenylcysteine carboxyl methyltransferase) (pcCMT)IcmtMus musculus (Mouse)embryo developmentQ9EQK7octanoic acid
132P35846FOLR1_MOUSEFolate receptor alpha (FR-alpha) (Folate receptor 1) (Folate-binding protein 1)Folr1 Fbp1 Folbp1Mus musculus (Mouse)FertilizationP35846octanoic acid
133O08665SEM3A_MOUSESemaphorin-3A (Semaphorin III) (Sema III) (Semaphorin-D) (Sema D)Sema3a Semad SemDMus musculus (Mouse)Embryo development1Q47octanoic acid
134P59997KDM2A_MOUSELysine-specific demethylase 2A (EC (F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 11) (F-box/LRR-repeat protein 11) (JmjC domain-containing histone demethylation protein 1A) ([Histone-H3]-lysine-36 demethylase 1A)Kdm2a Fbl11 Fbxl11 Jhdm1a Kiaa1004Mus musculus (Mouse)Embryo development4QXBoctanoic acid
135P11416RARA_MOUSERetinoic acid receptor alpha (RAR-alpha) (Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group B member 1)Rara Nr1b1Mus musculus (Mouse)embryo developmentP11416octanoic acid

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Copyright © Haifeng Chen Lab, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.