Diseases with Transgenerational Effects on Disease or Function

No. Disease Name Definition Categories MESH ID
31Puberty, DelayedThe lack of development of SEXUAL MATURATION in boys and girls at a chronological age that is 2.5 standard deviations above the mean age at onset of PUBERTY in a population. Delayed puberty can be classified by defects in the hypothalamic LHRH pulse generator, the PITUITARY GLAND, or the GONADS. These patients will undergo spontaneous but delayed puberty whereas patients with SEXUAL INFANTILISM will not.Endocrine system diseaseD011628
32Spinal DysraphismCongenital defects of closure of one or more vertebral arches, which may be associated with malformations of the spinal cord, nerve roots, congenital fibrous bands, lipomas, and congenital cysts. These malformations range from mild (e.g., SPINA BIFIDA OCCULTA) to severe, including rachischisis where there is complete failure of neural tube and spinal cord fusion, resulting in exposure of the spinal cord at the surface. Spinal dysraphism includes all forms of spina bifida. The open form is called SPINA BIFIDA CYSTICA and the closed form is SPINA BIFIDA OCCULTA. (From Joynt, Clinical Neurology, 1992, Ch55, p34)Congenital abnormality|Nervous system diseaseD016135
33TeratozoospermiaConditions in which sperm show abnormal morphology.Urogenital disease (male)D000072660
34Urogenital AbnormalitiesCongenital structural abnormalities of the UROGENITAL SYSTEM in either the male or the female.Congenital abnormality|Urogenital disease (female)|Urogenital disease (male)D014564
35Young SyndromeN/ARespiratory tract disease | Urogenital disease (male)C536718

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Copyright © Haifeng Chen Lab, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.